Wednesday, July 22, 2009


If i could find just one person in the world to actually listen to my inner thoughts, you don't know how much i'd like it.
anytime i wanna tell my "honest few" my mind & soul tries to fight it.
my mind decides to bleed out every detail of my emotion.
every laugh,
every cry,
every breath,
every sigh.
i wanna tell you the honest truth and not a little white lie.
i want you to know me and who i really be.
i want you to know everything down to the little T.
My life,
my former friends,
the story on where my life began.
My mother and no father,
i try to call him but why bother?
the hate,
the rape,
the escape for my sake,
the hopes the dreams,
the stars, it seems...
that i have a lot of these...things called secrets
but who really doesn't?