this is your caption Aubrey A. Major speaking with a few issues to address. okay there's a slight change in the sky tonight. instead of seeing the heart showers that was on the forecast for this evening, we're starting to see a clear pink sky. the atmosphere is sending out a message of positivity and a hint of happiness. do we all smell hope? enjoy it while you can passengers cause this can change in an instant...
in other news ladies and gentlemen, feelings have been bouncing around and we got some complaints about some broken windows and doors due to this event. we have no control over the weather of the heart, we apologize on the hearts behalf. there will be a maintenance crew member coming around to fix up what has been broken. thank you for your patience at this time.
at this time now we would like to say welcome a-board the Heart Cruise. where old love is found and new love blooms beautifully. take a look at the sky people, i can feel it coming in the air tonight. have yourself a wonderful cruise and any questions, comment or concerns please direct them to the Heart Cruise front desk or to me, Aubrey. we'll be happy to help.
- Aubrey
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